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MP+ Premium | iPhone 15 Pro Max | Soft OLED LCD MP+ Premium | iPhone 15 Pro Max | Soft OLED LCD
MP+ Premium | iPhone 15 Pro Max | Soft OLED LCD
MP+ Premium | iPhone 15 Pro Max | Soft OLED LCD

MP+ Premium | iPhone 15 Pro Max | Soft OLED LCD

  • £324.00

Product Code: php-oled-soft-lct-iph15pm-bk-mp+

Availability: 2-3 Days


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This is an Soft OLED replacement unit for iPhone 15 Pro Max it is an Soft OLED LCD our screens are strictly tested before dispatched and offer a 6-12 month warranty based on the quality and brand, you can check the information on this below at our warranty table.

Please note: a replacement screen or battery will trigger a warning message. This is unavoidable without the appropriate software.

OLED: OLED is a technology that has been used quite sometime by Samsung and is first used in the X Series of iPhones(Excluding XR and 11 all models above X uses OLED for iPhone), this has given a boost to the quality of the display by having better luminosity at the cost of heavier price. And there is two different types of OLED which can be seen in the table below:

OLED TypeDefinitionDescription

Hard OLED is made of hard and rigid glass, this makes
it more susceptible to damage from bend or drop

- Cheaper Compared to Soft OLED ✅
- Excellent Colour Contrast and Brightness ✅
- More Fragile When Compared to Soft OLED ❌


Soft OLED is made with flexible plastic substrate
which makes it more resistant to impact

- Expensive Compared to Hard OLED ❌
- Excellent Colour Contrast and Brightness ✅
- More Resilient When Compared to HardOLED ✅


Screens includes:
Front Camera Bracket
Earpiece Bracket
Sensor Bracket
LCD bonding adhesive

TrueTone Support: Yes

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